Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Robots building!

Horray, Spring has finally arrived! We couldn't be happier - is that time of the year when we can take our experiments outdoors and be even more scientifically-creative!

Spring is also the time for our all-day holiday camps, running over Easter break. We are so so happy to announce our favourite, but significantly enhanced topic - robots! We will be building, exploring and taking robots home over many days and various locations. Tons of other fun topics are available as well.

Where are we at this Easter break?
East Mosley

Want to join us for some crazy Mad Science fun?! Check out our website for more: http://www.madscience.org/locations/southeast/Easter2010.aspx?sm=13137

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Maths Clown on Parade


Once a year 100 (ish) clowns get together in Bognor Regis and clown around for four days. On Sunday, we have a parade and Bubblz made a mathematical tetrahedral balloon hat to go with her brand new maths costume (by Heidi). Made from four half scale tetrahedra, the hat has an octahedron at the centre of it (look carefully at the red shape).

Bubblz facilitates a similar tetrahedron during her maths workshops. It's a little bit larger - scaled up by a factor of 3, the workshop tetrahedron is nearly 2 metres tall!